Donald Trump Convicted On All Of His Criminal Charges.
Donald Trump Convicted On All Of His Criminal Charges. When they say that no one is above the law in the United States Of America, it appears to the outside world that they mean it. […]
Donald Trump Convicted On All Of His Criminal Charges. When they say that no one is above the law in the United States Of America, it appears to the outside world that they mean it. […]
Donald Trump Mercilessly Booed At Libertarian Conference. It was a beauty to hear all the booing that was aimed at Donald Trump when he tried to speak at the Libertarian conference, it was a magic […]
How Much More Despicable Amoral Can The Republican Party Get The Republican Party of Lincoln is no more and there is a danger for the American people if they do not come together in November […]
The Juror Selection has begun for the Trump Criminal Trial. Millions of Americans have sat patiently over the years waiting for some accountability to reach Donald Trump and finally, it appears that it is about […]
Donald Trump Know This You Are Not Above The Law. Denied, Denied, Denied Appeal Court as spoken. It is time that Donald Trump realises that he is not above the law and everyone knows. Donald […]
The Walls Of Accountability Closing Around Donald Trump. There is great frustration by millions of people not just in the United States of America but around the world that cannot understand why it is taking […]
There is a saying “When you are on the ground you can only pick up dirt”. People who have integrity, empathy, decency and honesty are perplexed at the disgrace that Donald Trump is. It is […]
How Can Trump Continue To Threaten The American People It is unbelievable that Donald Trump is allowed to threaten the American people without being held accountable for his actions. Free speech may be enshrined in […]
The world in my opinion is looking at the United States and laughing their heads off. How can the Republican party allow themselves to be led by a narcissistic, lying disgusting and inhuman person like […]
The Real Reason Donald Trump Is A Threat To Democracy When you follow the stories in the media, in particular, those that are willing to tell the truth about Donald Trump they all seem to […]