Dr Suhail Baluch told two patients that Tarceva – a lung and pancreatic cancer treatment – was only available privately and convinced them and their relatives to write cheques.
In fact, at the time, the drug was available on the NHS in appropriate cases. He faces being struck off after the General Medical Council found 41 allegations against him proven.
The medic, who worked as a cancer specialist at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Cosham, admitted charging one victim £1,909 and another about £1,900 for a second-hand supply of the drug Tarceva.
It is believed he had a friend who bought the drugs over the internet. He told the first patient, known only as Patient A, that there was no guarantee of the drugs succeeding but that it ‘might buy him some time’. He said the money he was paying was ‘NHS charges for private patients. The second cancer sufferer, Patient B, was told that Tarceva was the only treatment available.
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