From all the information that we are getting via the media, it would appear that the Government did not act as quickly as they should to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.
I am also appalled that our frontline staff or almost running out of PPE equipment. The NHS is what we are relying on to help control and get rid of this unseen killer, and it would appear we are leaving them vulnerable.
One of the things I detest about governments is their ability to be economical with the truth. We can all agree that this disease has affected the entire world and most people, including governments, had not prepared for this pandemic.
However, when this virus started to affect China, you would have thought that our Government would be a little more proactive in ensuring that should it affect the UK we would be, prepared.
At the moment, we need to come together as one nation to defeat the Coronavirus, save lives and deal with the Government when we are back on our feet.
The hardship that this lockdown is causing is immense many people have found themselves in a situation that they would never have imagined and at the moment there is no end in sight. The nation have come together and decide to stay at home to prevent further spread of COVID 19, and for that, we should all be proud of ourselves.
I congratulate the staff of the NHS working in such a problematic situation and hope that they will be, given the PPE they need to do their jobs safely, protecting both their patients and family.
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