Mrs Kirchner blasts UN “double standards” on Falklands’ resolutions

The Argentine president addresses Malvinas veterans

The Argentine president [right] addresses Malvinas veterans

Don’t try to scare us with the ghost that we are going to take Malvinas militarily”, said Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner at the main commemoration of the 28th anniversary of the Argentine troops landing in the Falkland Islands.

Speaking on Friday from Ushuaia, capital of the Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego and the South Atlantic Islands, Mrs Kirchner said that Britain’s sovereignty pretension over the Islands 14.000 kilometres away “is not sustainable by Law, geography or common sense”. She added: “it is plain colonialism and evidence of the double standard of International law”.

“You can’t demand weaker countries, –for strategic reasons from developed countries–to abide international law and UN resolutions while one of them systematically violates them because they have a seat at the Security Council”.

Mrs. Kirchner added that “we have the moral institutional and historic authority to demand respect for UN institutions, and claim that resolutions be complied with if we want to live in a civilized world and in peace”.

The Argentine president then pointed her guns domestically and claimed there’s a historic process of “de-malvinization”, a subtle and intelligent strategy to convince Argentines to give up “what belongs to us because of history, geography and common sense”.

At the ceremony which took place at the Islas Malvinas Plaza in the heart of Ushuaia, Mrs. Kirchner was accompanied by Defence Secretary Nilda Garré, Tierra del Fuego governor Fabiana Rios, the three commanders of the services and hundreds of veterans.

Meantime in Buenos Aires the extreme right picket leader Luis D’Elía together with other pro-Kirchner militants marched on to the British Embassy.

The march was peaceful and D’Elía during a brief intervention accused the “English pirates” of wanting to steal “our oil” but also blasted three opposition members of the Argentine congress for having accepted invitations from the Foreign Office.

However in spite of the bellicose attitude and his violent background D’Elía said that the solution to the Malvinas disputes is “political and peaceful”.

“This is a moment of reflection, of prayers and profound love for the fallen and to demand our legitimate rights in Malvinas”, said D’Elía.

He said that re-establishing dialogue was essential to again talk about sovereignty and quoted recent statements from Brazilian president Lula da Silva who allegedly said that “Malvinas is not an Argentine problem: it is now a problem of all Latinamerica”.

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