ALTHOUGH most doctors suggest that we maintain a diet inclusive of meat protein like fish and chicken, some gynaecologists advise women to refrain from eating too many non-organic meat products, which could possibly lead to the worsening of uterine fibroids.
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths of tissues and muscles in the uterus that affects mostly women of African descent who are primarily between the ages of 35-50 years old. Fibroids can be as small as a pea and as large as watermelon; at which time they start to create problems for women and would therefore have to be removed. Fibroids usually worsen with a high intake of pesticides and hormones which is sometimes fed to poultry to make them grow.
Dr Lloyd Goldson, who has been a gynaecologist/obstetrician for over 30 years, believes the diet is one of the primary reasons for women now having fibroids from as young as their late teens.
“If you eat the common fowl that eat natural feeds you don’t have a problem. It is when you have the chicken that they give the grower and those things that have things inside there, it causes growth hormones,” he said. The doctor added that fresh water fish, other meats such as beef, and granulated sugar also help to increase fibroids.
“We are trying to tell people now, that you don’t need to have food with sugar, you can have your natural sugar from the fruits that you get and organically grown food,” he said.
Dr Goldson, who has done a lot of research on fibroids and its treatment, said eating lots of fresh vegetables and plant protein such as soy is a good alternative for those with fibroids. “When people come to me with fibroids and the fibroids are small, they say they can watch it. But if you watch it, it’s going to grow. You have to change your diet to a more vegetarian diet and eat more plant protein and cut down on those red meats,” he said.
He said those with fibroids should also ensure that the chicken and fish they eat are grown organically.
Symptoms of fibroids include bloating, heavy menstrual bleeding, infertility, pain during intercourse, frequent urination, a feeling of pressure or pain in the pelvic area and constipation. Fibroids can be treated with the permanent removal of the uterus, through a hysterectomy or by doing a focused ultrasound surgery to neutralise the fibroids. A myomectomy, which involves the surgical removal of the fibroids, also allows women to have children later on while reducing the pain and bleeding they experience. Also useful is the detoxification of the liver, which helps control the hormonal levels, thereby slowing down the growth of the fibroids.
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