Police hunting 3 year old

By Sandra: MY GRIPE

Now this has got to be a joke.  There is no way that a child hardly out of nappies can be on the police wanted list.

What is this world coming to when a person can use a child of the tender age of 3 to commit a crime.

Where has human decency gone to?  How flipping low can a person get to be able to allow a child to be involved in a criminal behaviour at that age.  While most parent are preparing their 3 years for nursery school, and getting the ready to learn to read and write, teaching them about morality, here we have this low-life teaching this child to become a criminal even before the child is capable of spelling the word ‘crime’.

I am hoping that the authority apprehend this person before he decide to teach this child to commit worse crimes than theft.  If, and when he’s caught I hope the authority lock him up and throw the keys away.  This is so disgusting, if ever there was a crime that need a person being jailed for life, this is one.

Looking back at when my children were that age, infuriates me more because at that age I just wanted to sit and read them stories, watch their favorite movies and just protect them, not teaching them how to go and rob elderly people of their money, come on, this should have every parent up in arms and fuming.

Now, if the authorities does not classify this as child abuse then I do not know what else is- I AM FUMING.

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