Arrest after woman’s racist rant on London tram (+ video)

A woman in London has been arrested after her tirade of abuse of her fellow passengers on a tram was filmed and uploaded on to YouTube.

In the two-minute clip the woman is seen shouting at other passengers, complaining they are not English and should go “back to where you come from”, while her young son sits on her lap.

The video, entitled My Tram Experience, has had more than 124,000 views since being uploaded on Sunday.

British Transport Police said the 34-year-old woman has now been arrested on suspicion of a racially-aggravated offence, the BBC reported.

The incident occurred on the Croydon to Wimbledon Tramlink route, although police are yet to ascertain exactly where or when it happened.

In the video the woman is told by another passenger to watch her language as there are children on board and to show respect to fellow passengers.

“Yeah, it’s fine. I have got a little kid here. Have respect? I have a little boy here. F*** you. I dare you, I f***ing dare you,” she shouted.

 “Don’t watch my language. Go back to where you come from, go back to f***ing Nicaragua or wherever you come from. Just f***ing go back.

“You ain’t British, you’re black. Where do you come from? ‘No, someone’s got to talk up for these lot.”

A British Transport Police spokesman told BBC News they would “not tolerate racism in any form on the rail network”.

WARNING- this video contains strong language which may offend.

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