Why would ‘condom’ to fight rape barbaric

By Sandrea:- MY GRIPE

I cannot understand why a devise to assist a woman from being raped should be called barbaric and suggested that it could be a form of ‘enslavement’ for women.

It seems to me that the individuals who are always eager to condemn inventions that can help in the prevention of crimes are those who never have these crimes perpetrated on them.  These so-called do-gooders who have never been raped, never been assaulted, never a victim of anything always want to tell others who have, how to live with crimes that have been done to them.

This just reminded me of people who tell you how to discipline your children – yet they do not have children of their own, what hyprocricy, these people need to ‘put up and shut up’.

Fortunately, for me I have never been raped, so I cannot even imagine the trauma that a rape victim has to endure, to be forcefully violated, knowing there is nothing they can do about it, as in most cases the perpetrators are physically stronger than the victims, must be an awful nightmare to go through.

So, I say if someone like Dr Ehlers can invent something that would make a man think twice about raping a woman, I said good for you Dr Ehlers.

Considering, that South Africa, according to ‘Human right watch’ website has the highest amount of rape, there has to be something to make men think twice about raping a women.  Furthermore, when 28% of men claimed that they have been involved in raping a woman or a girl, then Dr Ehlers invention is not only necessary, it is vital.

If the bleeding heart liberals are not happy with the invention and its use, then that is their perogative, not the victims of rape.

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