Why should Venables get new Identity

By Sandrea:- MY GRIPE

Is it me or has this world and the policy makers gone completely bonkers.

I cannot believe the report that are being carried by various newspaper, in which it has been alleged that Venables will be give another new identity that will cost the taxpayers £250.000 pounds.

Something is fundamentally wrong with a society that would go to all lengths to protect a killer and in the same breathe they are taking away the disability payment to a soldier who has a prosthesis leg.  A man who fought for and lose parts of his body, for his country, his to lose the help he need and the other side of the coin taxpayers will be burden with paying money to protect such evil.

Irrespective of the fact that Venable was only 10 years old when he murdered Jamie Bulger, the fact remains that for a 10 years old to have such evil within him tells me that this individual will continue on the path of destruction.  Him, being sorry for what he has done will not cut it for me, and the fact that he his once again been sent to prison, do not, in my opinion, believe that individual truly feel remorse.

If, when he murdered Jame, and his years behind bars make him have any remorse he would certainly leave prison with the new identity that he was given and try his best to become a productive citizen, instead all that he has done is commit another crime.  Where is the justice in that, how can society refuse to help a man who fought for his country become disable because of going into the hell hole he was sent, and yet the authority find it so easy to yank away the financial crutch that he need, but they have no compunction in protecting such obvious evil like Venables.

Having read the story carried by BBC News under the heading ‘Amputee soldier lose benefit after walking 400m’ makes me very angry, to read what the authorities are alleging to do for Venables, this is an outright disgrace.

If anyone is entitled to be given state help Private Aron Shelton deserve to be, he did not lose his leg fighting for the United Kingdom, he lost his leg fighting in Afghanistan, and for the authorities to tell him that he does not require assistance is borderline disgrace.

I am so angry and to read headlines that state, ‘could more have been done to rehabilitate Venables’ – hell no, I am one person who believe, rightly or wrongly that some people are just born evil and no amount of rehabilitation will change them, and my personal opinion is if people were not born evil, there would be no serial killers, serial rapist, child molester, not one.

I hope the Department of Work and Pension reconsider their decision, having seen the amount of money it will cost to give Venables a new identity, and ensure that private Aron Shelton continue to receive his disability benefit – it is the right thing to do.

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