The pain of infidelity

Infidelity is one of the most painful encounters a person or family can have, especially for those influential VIPs, church leaders and celebrities. Most times, they are afraid that it will blow up. Because of their status, many of them are afraid of the embarrass-ment. Some don’t want to discuss it because of the status of their spouse, who is involved in the infidelity, or because of their own status. They suffer badly, because they have to keep it in while they endure the hurt. Further to that, they don’t want any disgrace to come upon their spouse because it will destroy their family, especially when children are involved.

Sometimes, children result from the relationship and, in order to cover up the matter, they change the surname of the child. They will give the child the mother’s maiden name to protect the secret. As a result of it all, those who hurt will turn to drugs and alcohol. In anger, others may seek to return the ‘favour’.

In all this, the parties involved don’t often recognise how deeply it affects the children. What they also don’t recognise is that it is not just a fling and then it’s over. It becomes a tie that binds – it is like a binding agreement which follows the lineage. So, it will follow through to the children and a recurrence will take place if that tie is not broken.

Starting in 2 Samuel 11, the infidelity of David caused his administration to split. It also opened the door for incest, murder, violence and conspiracy (2 Samuel 13; 2 Samuel 15). So, in fact, infidelity affects administrations, economies, individuals and the future. Sexual sins are so dangerous. The Bible tells us that crime, violence and divorce stem from sexual sins. God refers to divorce as violence (Malachi 2:16).

Much of the decline in various organisations starts from infidelity. It causes those involved to make wrong decisions, employ the wrong person for a job, promote the wrong person, agree to the wrong contracts, and all this, ultimately, affects sales and reduces profits. Infidelity, especially with someone within the organisation, can lead to a general lack of respect and possibly an uprising within the organisation, or even the taking of a life.

What Can Be Done

Both men and women need to understand each other.

Women are often encouraged by compliments, care and affection, and are more willing to try or push harder when they feel appreciated. It’s not about the money or sex only. Women want to feel like they are making a contribution and that their contribution is valuable.

Men are motivated mainly by what they see.

Now, when they get married, these things don’t change and that is the time to make the best efforts to maintain a healthy relationship as man and wife. For example, the Bible says in Proverbs 5:19, “Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.”

Women, you must dress attractively (not x-rated) in order to attract your husband. Enhance your value, do not diminish it. Remember, you may have the ring, but it doesn’t mean you have the man!

Create the environment for romance. Get clean romantic music – that is not the time to play gospel songs!

Men, cut down on your social activities and appearances until odd hours, and spend time showering your wife with compliments and affection!


Women, learn to cook, especially what your husband loves to eat. Cut the long nails and don’t depend on the helper, or the helper will help you with him!

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