By Sandrea:-MY OPINION
Today marked the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 bombing and a day in which mankind showed how indifferent they were to each other and the propensity that human beings has to create havoc and mayhem.
As we reflect on the devastation that was witness ten years ago, let us not forget the more than 3,000 people who are no longer with us who’s life and liberty was taken away from then in the most cruellest way. People who did not get the opportunity to say goodbye to their love ones, all the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephew, husbands and wives whose life was ripped apart by the callousness of individuals that had no respect for their lives much more for the ones that they have taken.
Today among the pain and anger that we still feel let us remember that Osama bin Laden and some of his deputies are no longer on this planet and having orchestrate the bombing of the World Trade Centre and the dead of so many his life was taken away from him by individuals who had vow to track him down and ensure that he was no longer in the position to cause any further mayhem on our fragile planet.
My sympathy and condolence goes out to all those that are left behind and in particular to my brother how lost his wife on that terrible day ten years ago. His life and that of his children was completely ripped apart and ten years on he still is unable to come to terms with the way in which his life was shattered by the stupidity of idiotic individuals.
So, let us bow our heads in silence wherever you are and offer a prayer for those lost loves ones and ask the Lord to keep us safe from all those fanatical individuals that are still among us and hope that in the future we will never again have to experience any such crime against humanity.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not die but have everlasting life”. May the souls of those that died 9/11 rest in peace and will one day awaken to the glory of God.
Peace is with you and my peace I give unto you, rest my brothers and sisters, your death will never be in vain.
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