Teachers/Parents – Sex abuse cases

By Sandrea:- MY GRIPE

Over the last few days all that I am reading about is cases after cases of teachers/parents that have been jailed for abusing their students and their children.

I am really sick of these offences, as they make you begin to judge every teacher that you come into contact with and I do know that this is not fair.  I find myself going to collect my granddaughter from kinder-garden and looking at the teacher, asking myself whether anyone of them are abusing her, it makes me so furious as I am not one for judging anyone without reason.

Why have these so-called trusted people keep on abusing our children? What would drive someone to break the trust that have been placed in them?  It would appear that these teachers, are not only doing these abuse in one-off circumstances, but they have been systematically abusing children over very long period.

However, the part that really get my back up, is the fact that when most of them are caught, the Education authority, seems to be only given them temporary suspension and then these vipers are put back in the classroom to prey on other victims.  They are also having their anonymity protected and this is the part that really bug me.

The other aspects of the sexual abuse issues are these fathers who believe it is right to be commiting incest with their daughters, some as young as 11 years old.  Where do these freak get off ruining the childhood of their children?

I do believe that the rest of the world should passed the law that Poland have, and undertake “chemical castration for paedophiles, perpetrators of incest”, that would give these bastard pause for thought and they would not be so eager to molest their children or any body’s else’s children for that matter.

We need to take drastic steps to prevent our children from falling prey to these vipers, and if we are truly to protect children from these abusers then we can no longer go for the ineffective court systems that we have.  These people are well aware that when caught their only punishment is going to jail for a few years, registering as a ‘sex offender’ and are once again free to commit more of these heinous crime.

I bet if they knew they are going to have their ‘nuts’ cut-off they would think twice about undertaking the abuse they seems to thrive on.

What I do not want to hear is these so-called do-gooder’s in society talking about removing these people’s ‘nuts’, as been barbaric, it is more barbaric to leave them to abuse more children.  Come on, society need to take drastic measure to prevent these constant abuse, if a modern day society cannot help to protect our children, then who should we turn to.

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