Moat – He had parents too

By Sandrea:- MY GRIPE

Irrespective of the fact that Raoul Moat deeds may have been calculating and despicable, that is no reason that the people who showed sympathy for his death should not do so.

The majority of people, even those that are showing sympathy, realise that what he did was unforgivable and I do not believe that because they have some sympathy for him means that they condone his behaviour.

The Prime Minister needs to understand that it is human nature to forgive, even crimes that we find deplorable.

I also believe that there is great deal of sympathy for his victim, especially for Chris Brown parents they have lost their son because of Moat’s action, the country has a great deal of sympathy for that family as well.

As much as we recognise that Moat was indeed a very callous, devious and downright disgusting individual, everyone no matter who they are will have people who will support then.  We cannot understand it but that is the way human beings are, and I suppose that what they are trying to tell us is that everyone, good and bad, deserve to be supported, whether is is a male or female, as they too are brothers, sisters, friend, husbands, wife, mothers, and fathers, therefore, although they may have commit atrocities that we find intolerable their are always people that will mourn them.

I find it commendable that the police officer that Moat shot in the face, stated that he held no ill-feeling against him, and what he has demonstrate that to ‘forgive is divine, most individual do not understand that concept.  If this officer was to live his life dwelling on the anger he felt then he would be destroying his life, that is what hate  do to you.

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