Jamaica Independence

By Sandra: MY GRIPE Today marked the 48 anniversary of Jamaica independence, and will no doubt be celebrated in Jamaica and around the world. As we celebrate Jamaica independence let us not forget the people who will not be around to celebrate because they have lost their lives to violence.

Let us not forget the number of young lives that were taken following the Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke, drama. Whilst Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke languish in an US detention centre, I hope he will be reflecting on the traumatic  events that his extradition caused and the fact that there are many parents who will not have their children to celebrate independence day with them.

Although, I am not entirely  blaming Mr Coke for the devastation and the uproar that that followed the request for his deportation, I believe that had he gave himself up earlier than when he was caught, he could have prevent the lost of some lives. I believe that Jamaicans can be proud today to know that on it’s 48 year of independence, the authority have reported a dramatic fall in crimes such as ‘gun related deaths, rape, carnal abuse, larceny’.

This glimmer of light should encourage Jamaicans that a lot can be achieved if they unite and fight to drive out  the criminal elements from the country. Jamaica is still faced with a lot of challenges and I know that her citizens are prepare  to face those challenges head on, so I will say happy 48 anniversary to all Jamaicans, may Jamaica today see a crime free day whilst the celebrations are going on and further hope that like the Phoenix that arose from the ashes, so will Jamaica, arise and see the end of crime and criminal behaviour.

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