Iraq, Afghanistan- so many life, What a price to pay

By Sandrea: MY GRIPE

As I read today of the death of Sgt. Martin Goudreault, the latest Canadian to die in Afghanistan, I cannot help feeling deeply depressed.

I cannot begin to comprehend the grieve and sorrow that the families of these soldiers are going through.  Most people will say, that is the life these individual choose and as such they are aware of the dangers and the consequences of been in the arm forces, and of course one has to agree.

However, this does not take away the sadness that is felt when anyone of these brave men and woman die from being blown apart from bombs in these hell-hole countries.

Yesterday as we celebrate and remembered the thousand of men that gave their lives 66 years ago in order for the rest of us to be able to live free from totalitarianism and dictatorship,we cannot but asked are the soldiers that are dying everyday in IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN dying for the same reason.

For crying out loud, God knows that enough is just enough, I am tired to see these son, fathers, brothers, husbands and young people dying.  How long is this going to go on for?  How many more lives must be taken, whether it is British, Americans, Canadians, it does not matter, I just want to see an end to this senseless death and politicians have the authority to put on end to this, bring them home –  TOO MUCH TEARS HAVE BEEN SHED

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