I Cheated – Now I’m carrying another man’s child

By Sandrea

First let me say that the stories on this website or true, they are from friends and associates that I am acquainted with.  I do have there permission to write these stories however, names and  locations are changed to protect my sources.

Carla has been living with her partner for the past seven years, despite having the loving relationship she could not get the one thing that she wanted more than anything in the world and that is having a baby. She and her partner tried everything possible but to no avail.

She’s now thirty three years old and felt that her biological clock was ticking away fast and if she did not do something about her current predicament then she would end up not knowing the joys of having a child and watching that child grow.  Considering that she has four nieces and three nephews she had watch and sisters being pregnant attended the birth and fell a pang of envy each time she watched the birth of another niece or nephew.

God must be punishing her, she thought, must do something about this, maybe she and her partner were not compatible, people had told her that this could be the reasons that she could not conceive.  Her Doctor has informed her that there was not physical or any reasons that she was unable to become pregnant, so it has to be her partner and he point blank refuse to see the Doctor as he believed that there was nothing wrong with him.

On the 24 April this year she attended a friend birthday party, she was very low but kept her spirit up because she felt she did not want to ruin her friend night.  This was where she met Josh; he was very attractive and paid her a lot of compliment throughout the night.  She got really plaster (drunk), she cannot explain how it happen but the next thing she remembered is waking up at Josh apartment, in his bed naked, she has no memory of how or when, even what time she left the party.

She was surprised at what she knew that had happen she has never cheated before and she was feeling even more miserable with herself, so without a word she got dress and left Josh’s apartment.

Her partner did not say anything to her when she eventually arrived home he was of the impression that she had stayed overnight at her friend.

A month after the incident she notice that her period did not arrive, and she was regular as clock-work, two month, then three months so she decided to see her GP, low and behold he told her that she was three months pregnant,then he congratulated her.  Pregnant she though, that word, PREGNANT ,this is what she has been waiting for since she was 18 years old and now that it has happen she knew straight away that her partner was not the father.

Carla decided that she is keeping the baby and that she is never going to tell her partner that he is not the father and hope that he never finds out.

My personal opinion when she told me the story is that I would  let sleeping dogs lie, given the fact that she was drunk, although being no excuse sometimes these things happen.  I would wait until the baby is born before I decide what I am going to do.  The fact that she has not mentioned to Josh that she is pregnant and everyone around her naturally believe that she his carrying her partner’s child, is would not do for her to be honest, about that night.

Some secrets are best left as secrets, especially if they have a propensity to destroy a lot of lives.

I cannot imagine how many other women are out there living this life, but I would estimate that this particular story, is not really an uncommon one.


If you are in this predicament, think very hard before you decide to be brutally honest, the consequences of your actions could have far reaching repercussions

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