How can punching a woman in the face justified?

By Sandrea: MY GRIPE

This is the most disgraceful behaviour I have ever seen, how in the name of God, can anyone much more the President of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, saying that was justified.

Looking at the officer he his at least 5 foot 8, in comparison to the 17 years old who is quite considerable smaller that he his. In my opinion for any man to act in that manner is out and out disgusting.

The other part of this incident that has my blood boiling is the fact that if this was a white female, the whole of Seattle community would be up in arms about this, the fact that it is a ‘black female’ they do not give a dam about the that, irrespective of the fact, that she may or may not be resisting arrest that officer when way over the boundaries when he punched her in the face.  It was a disgraceful act, and one that if  the Seattle Police department, after their internal investigation, uphold are agree with, then they cannot be surprised that members of the black community find it difficult to support them in their fight against genuine crime.

Where does Rich O’Neil get off suggesting that it was ” wrong to call the punch police brutality or racist “ Of course, it was police brutality, and yes it was racist, and all of this over jay-walking, what the hell is that.  I would not condone that behaviour in anyway, however, if the officer had used that kind of force to save someone life, or if is life was in eminent danger, it would have been understandable, but no one’s life was in jeopardy.

He over-reacted in the worse possible manner, and it is time that police officers learn that they are public servant, and their badges do not give them the right to abuse the rights of others, or to behave like thugs and hooligans.

Police officers, need to remember that we no longer live in the days when it is their words against an individual.  This is the digital age and every cellular now have a camera, so when they are hell-bent and assaulting members of the public they must realise that they will be caught on camera and they will no longer be able to use the defence that they were attack first.  There are now photographic evidence that shows exactly what has transpire, they should keep this in mind every time they are patrolling the streets of any community –  this is the 21 century – not dark ages.

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