Donald Trump may seek US Presidency

One of America’s richest and most well-known men may make a run for the White House, the Telegraph reports.

Donald Trump has reportedly been tempted to spend a hefty portion of his estimated US$2 billion fortune on a bid for the Presidency.

Despite the fierce opposition on the right to President Barack Obama and his Democratic colleagues in Congress, no strong challenger has yet emerged for the 2012 election, said the Telegraph.

The early front-runners for the Republican nomination include Mitt Romney, who only came a distant third to John McCain in the 2008, and Sarah Palin, who may be a hero to conservatives but remains deeply divisive.

Speaking on morning television, Mr Trump said: “I’ve had so many people over the years ask me to do that and for the first time in my life I am absolutely thinking about it.

“I don’t know that I’ll do it. It’s probable that I won’t do it but I can tell you, I’m thinking about it. Somebody has to do something, we are losing this country. This country will not be great if something isn’t done rapidly.”

Even before hosting popular TV show The Apprentice, Mr Trump, 64, has been a prominent figure in the US with the near collapse of his property empire in the 1980s and his colourful private life.

A Roman Catholic, he has been married three times, has five children, and is the owner of the Miss USA beauty pageant.

Nicknamed “The Donald” after a verbal slip by his first, Czech-born wife Ivana, Mr Trump combines business and celebrity.

In 1992, independent Texas businessman Ross Perot ran for President, splitting the Republican vote and leading to the election of Bill Clinton ahead of George Bush Sr.

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