Locals angered by removal of religious statue for health and safety reasons By Angela Sammon
Killarney Town Council heard three motions at last week’s meeting, calling for the reinstatement of a religious statue at the town’s community hospital.
The statue of the Sacred Heart was removed last month following Health and Safety concerns. It has stood at the site since the hospital opened in 1939.
Killarney mayor Michael Gleeson said he had never come across an issue that had generated so much upset. He claimed that it was just another indication of the secularization of society. All spiritual matters were being devalued in society, he added.
Mr Gleeson said it was time “the State and their agents” show respect for the traditions, which had moulded the country. I’ve met no one from any other religion who has expressed concern about that statue’s [presence]. It’s the worst thing that has happened in this town,” the Mayor added.
Cllr Hugh Courtney called for a silent march of protest to take place to the hospital. He suggested that religious items from other faiths be incorporated at the site, rather than eliminating all items from the Christian faith.
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