Donald Trump Is A Racist, Weak, Pathetic And Sexual Predator

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Donald Trump Is A Racist, Weak, Pathetic And Sexual Predator. I cannot understand why the American people can allow such a narcissistic, unintelligent moron to be even considered for the highest job in the country.

The President of the United States of America must have dignity, morals, intelligence, credibility, honesty and above all the ability to put the citizens of the country first. Donald Trump possesses none of those attributes and to consider him to once again become the president is more than detrimental to the American people.

First and foremost the reason that Donald Trump gets away with the continuous bull that he spews is because the corporate media in particular Fox News does not hold Donald Trump Accountable for his actions. They do not report to the American people when he says that he wants to be a dictator, or that he would use the American military against US citizens that does not agree with his deplorable behaviour.

The American people have one chance to confine Donald Trump to the part of history that will not live in our memory for long and that is the November 5 Election.

Donald Trump is a convicted sexual predator and fraudster. He is the biggest liar that the world has ever had living amongst us and people need to understand that he is the Devil and we have to use our votes to send him to hell where he belongs.

The poor excuse for a human being is so abhorrent and disgusting that it beggars belief that anyone could support that person and the only excuse I can come up with is that they are the same as he is and therefore, they do not see the wrong in support of him.

The vast majority of decent, dignified Americans who have a moral compass, value, decency, dignity, honesty and know right from wrong run away from Donald Trump like the plague and in fact he is a plague on society. The best way to deal with a bug is to squash it and that is what is needed for Trump by using your votes to tell him that our society does not want his kind.


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