Well 66, is certainly too old

By Sandrea: – MY GRIPE

Children are sometimes a blessing and a curse, but which ever way we make look at it there should come a time when we decide that having children is not the right thing to do.

Most women want to have their children when they are capable of watching them grow-up, seeing them through their school days, teaching them how to deal with puberty, and all the pit-falls that life will throw at them.  The great majority of fathers want to be able to play with their children and like their mother teach them how to exist in a ever changing world.

In my opinion to give birth when the woman is 66 and the man is 70 is doing a great injustice to those children.  Irrespective of the fact that we are living much longer there is no guarantee that this couple will live to see their children 18 birthday, I cannot see them interacting with their children the way most younger parents does.

Science is a remarkable thing and the discovery of many scientific breakthrough has given many people hope, and cured diseases which today we are grateful for.  However, to use the technology of science in this way, is downright wrong.

Doctor Bishnoi may be successful in using the IVF technique in helping patients over the age of 50 to conceive and have babies, he may also be lucky that he has not have a single mortality or maternal death, however this does not mean it is a moral thing to do.

Women go through, menstruation age, then we go through menopause, when we start our late 40’s, the reason that women has this cycle, is because our bodies know when the child bearing years are over, and that is the way it should be.  There are a few women, in their 30’s, who for some reasons, go through early menopause, and those patient, if they seek IVF to have children it is understandable, There is also many women who cannot conceive naturally and those are the patients that IVF should be there for, but in your 60’s that is ludicrous.

Because the techonology is there does not mean that doctors have to use it indiscriminately and this case is one that I believe IVF is used wrong.

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