Rape – Traumatic event – ACC Unbelievable

By Sandrea:- MY GRIPE

Rape is such a traumatic event and anyone who have never been rape do not have the right to tell someone who has had to endure this invasion of privacy, that they are not suffering enough pain to warrant counselling.

I find that remark condescending and downright disgusting, to think that an organisation that should be providing support and counselling to an individual during the most vulnerable phase of their life, could make such a remark, beggars belief.

If an individual who happen to be rape cannot depend on the organisation that is established to assist them during the lowest moment of their life then that organisation should be abolished.

Having read the comment of the ACC, New Zealand, I am left with the thought of what reason is this organisation there for, and furthermore, what will be the disciplinary actions that are going to be taken against the individual that make such a stupid comment.

The question that I would like that organisation to answer, is what system that they have established in order that they can measure the level of pain that a rape victim goes through?  the only way in which they can make such an outlandish comment is for them to be able to establish the level of pain threshold and then determine that the individual did not meet that threshold mark therefore, they do not warrant counselling.

The more I read the plight of this rape victim and the methods in which she was treated I became more furious, this organisation needs to closed, they are not providing the service they should be undertaking.  Irrespective, of the fact that finance is in short supply and they make or may not have a heavy case load, there is a much better way in which to handle these cases, and to tell a person going through an already traumatic event that their pain in minimal, I find that unbelievable.

The human race never cease to amaze me in the manner in which we conduct ourselves as human beings.

To me the way in which this young lady was treated amount to being raped all over again and that can not be an easy thing to have to go through.  The only decent thing that I see from this is that the police service, at least was able to give her some counselling, as best they can.

In my opinion, this organisation should be close, they are ineffective and rude.

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