It is suppose to be Innocent first

By Sandrea:- MY GRIPE

How does an individual pick up the pieces of their life, when their picture is plastered over every newspaper and brandied a ‘rapist’?

I cannot imagine a worse position to be in.  To lose 3 years of your life for a crime that you did not commit, must be the most shattering thing for a human being to have to go through.  It is bad enough when someone actual did commit a violent act like rape, and those people deserve the criminal justice system throwing the book at them. However for an innocent person, this is so wrong.

What make this story even more atrocious is the fact that had the police undertake a more vigourous investigattion this man would never have to undergo this traumatic event.

It is further, asidious because even the police officer who took the statement, had doubts in his mind that the allegation was anything but a ‘pie in the sky’, this  as compounded Mr Blackwell nightmare.  For them to hide there concerns regarding the reliability of the alleged victim, is gross mis-management of the police.

Rape is such a vile crime, as the majority of rapist like to take control of their victim and enjoy the power that they wield, so before an individual lose their freedom is is very important that no stones are left unturned during the investigation phase of this crime.

As per the various news article report, there have been a great deal of mis-management regarding this case.  The fact that the Northamptonshire Police Deputy Chief Constable Derek Talbot apologised to Blackwell is too little too late.  No amount of apology is going to give him back the years that he has lost due to been falsely accused.

I am interested in the individusl that made the alleged claim, is she going to be prosecuted for wasting of police precious time.

Although, Mr Blackwell most likely want to draw a line under this unfortunate episode in his life, I hope he sue the police and the alleged witness.  This person should never be in a position to cause another man his freedom.

This individual, with her reckless action could set back genuine ‘rape’ victim into the dark ages.  Women that are genuinely rape will be looking at this case and doubting themselves as to whether they will be believe should they go forward.  Her actions does not only affect Mr Blacwell but all the woman out there that have suffered at the hands of a rapist.

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