BNP Nick Griffin – Racist Fascist

By Sandrea:- MY GRIPE

I am furious that Nick Griffin, will be allowed to attend Buckingham Palace Garden Party.  To allow this obvious fascist to be part of such an prestigious affair, is to say that his idea, ideologies are welcome by individuals that have the capability of influencing our society.

I do not care that he his a MEP, racist bastard like him should be put where they belong, back in the 10 century.  There is no reason for individuals like him to have their profile raised in no shape or form and I for one is extremely angry at this decision to invite this idiot to Buck house.

People who verbally, have such a distaste for other race or colour, who vocally voiced their racist attitude and intolerant for the God’s people should not be allowed to be given any credence to their idiotic belief – to invite Nick Griffin to Buckingham Palace, is like lining up ‘Black people’ before the Klux Klax Clan and telling the Klan to have a field day.

The man is an ignorant bigot, because only ignorance could allow people to make the stupid and idiot statement the have come out of Nick Griffin mouth.

Why would Buckingham Palace want to be associated with a convicted criminal, or have Nick Griffin criminal activities escape their attention.  This idiot was convicted in 1998 for violating section 19 of the ‘public order act 1986’, which related to the offence of ‘publishing or distributing racially inflammatory written material’. No one could doubt the level of this idiot beliefs, and – yes I personally believe that Nick Griffin is a first-class idiot, only an idiot would behave has he does in a modern society and those are idiots which the world can do without.

The level of the man bigotry extended to the fact that he had the effrontery to make a stupid comment about Murdered teenager Steven Lawrence, saying this boy, who was a straight ‘A’ student, was a drug dealer and bully who stole younger pupil’s dinner money. That is how low that idiot stoop.

I believe a lot of people will find this invitation to Buckingham Palace, as distasteful as I, and this will leave a lot of us believing that extending this type of invitation to  a clear racist, is tantamount to saying that one agree with his bigotries and the filth that he advocates.

To say I am furious is putting it mildly.  Our society should have no part will individuals or group that preaches racial tension, irrespective of their beliefs, I feel the same way about Nick Griffin, as I feel about the idiots that carry out terrorist bombing, and I do not see anyone queuing up to invite Al-Qaeda, to any high profile function.  The same way that we isolated the individuals that are member of Al-Qaeda, is the same way that we should isolate the likes of Nick Griffin, we should never allow him to use any functions to raised his stature or be able to claim legitimacy for his archaic beliefs.

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