‘Who the cap fit…’

THERE are few things as pathetic, or as tiresome as the refusal by those whose time is up, to just go.

No, we’re not talking about anyone specifically this time, although we suspect it might not be too hard to list more than a few names of people whom this particular hat would easily fit.

We are talking about a general long-standing trend in all spheres of life from the little bully on the playfield who won’t yield the bat, to the old codgers in the private and public sectors who just can’t seem to realise when the gig is up.

It never seems to occur to this particular grouping that maybe the positions they occupy warrant more than they are willing or able to give.

Somehow, whether due to an overly timid, or just plain ignorant clientele, they get away with a performance level that defies the lowest standards.

And when, after years of non-performance they are asked — directly or indirectly — to go, they simply dig their heels in and refuse.

It is to our discredit as a society that we tolerate the bad behaviour of such people.

For there is really no reason to.

We have enough intellectual prowess, collectively, to make it impossible for such people to insist on foisting their low standards on us.

Why then do we sit and take it?

One of the reasons, we think, is premised on downright selfishness and short-sightedness.

Too many of us believe, quite wrongly, that if the shenanigans of the non-performing civil servant or indeed any other individual who interfaces with the public do not touch us immediately and directly, we can just turn a blind eye to the situation.

Only when the consequences of poor workmanship come knocking at our door do we begin to make the type of sounds that needed to have been made much earlier.

The unfortunate thing is that these sounds often come much too late in the day to facilitate the arduous and timely task of changing the mentalities that have done so much to undermine the progress of this country.

The result is that decency has become the exception rather than the norm.

Consequently, we marvel and make much of those who exhibit good manners.

We gawk in wonder and sometimes mock displays of honesty.

The slightest donation to charity becomes a matter for national attention, even when discretion would dictate privacy.

The result?

A society which threatens to outlaw the brave few who dare to ask for a reduction in the volume of the loudness, vulgarity and other forms of inappropriate behaviour.

It is our hope that those for whom this message is meant will read it in the spirit in which it is given without fear or rancour, and improve their game in the best interest of this country.

Because time is running out for all of us.

And, as is the case with most things in life, there’s really no point in sticking around, after the love has gone.

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