Daminola, 10th Anniversary – Gone not forgotten

By Sandrea:-OPINION

Approaching the 10th anniversary of Daminola Taylor’s death I was impressed with a recent CI documentary entitled “Daminola, death of a ten year old” which was presented by Rav Wilding TV presenter and former metropolitan police officer who was stationed at Peckham police station during the period that Daminola was murdered. Daminola bleed to death in a stairwell November 27 2000.

The world and in particular the UK grieved when this tragedy of a young boy was savagely murder by two brothers who was not much older than him.  Although the crime was vicious and needless looking back on from that day to now the changes that have taken place within the Peckham community is not short of remarkable.

I watched this documentary with a sense of relief especially during the interview with Daminola father.  He was so calm he showed no anger towards the people responsible for the death of his son, in fact Mr Taylor demonstrates what true forgiveness is and his integrity and fortitude inspire me tremendously.

10 years on from that ill-fated day when Daminola loss is life it is heartfelt to see that Peckham has been transformed from the hell-hole it was and that the building in which Daminola loss his life has been abolished and replaced with better and decent living accommodation.  In particular the Daminola centre which is an inspiration catering for the needs of young people, by young people and the entire community is better united than ever before.

For any family the loss of a child is a tragedy that is devastating, and especially, when they are so young.  However if we believe in God we understand that everything that is bad that happens to us there is a divine logic behind it all.  Daminola lost his life and this should never have happen but the positive things that have arisen because of his ultimate sacrifice will save many more young people from now and throughout the future.

Today Daminola would have been celebrating his 20th birthday, who knows what he would have become, maybe he would be pursuing his dreams to become a doctor, married, children of his own, but those dreams were dashed.  His death has saved a community, its people and he has left a mark in this world that will never be forgotten.

At the tender age of 10 he attained so much because of his death than many have achieved during their life time.

As we remember Daminola Taylor today, let us look at the achievements that has occur following is death, let us remember that like Christ he paid the ultimate sacrifice for the good of mankind.  Let us also not forget his killers and hope that they will do something positive with their lives in memory of a life that they did not give a chance to flourish.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Rav Wilding on a very effective documentary, it was well presented and serves as a reminder that bad things happen to good people.

May Daminola soul continues to rest in peace, knowing that his legacy for such a short life has left far reaching effect on Peckham and the wider community.

Video of Documentary below

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