Donald Trump Getting His Butt Kicked By Kamala Harris

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Donald Trump Getting His Butt Kicked By Kamala Harris. When you are a narcissist who has no morals, integrity, dignity and decency in a political arena you can only fool people for a little while.

Donald Trump since he won the Presidency in 2016 his four years in the White House have been nothing but doom and gloom for the American people. However, he convinced millions of people that he was the best thing for America. The people did not believe him and in 2020 they voted for Joe Biden and he was defeated.

Since his defeat in 2020, Donald Trump has managed to convince millions of people that the election was stolen even though court case after court case found no evidence of voter fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election. However, Donald Trump’s lies permeated throughout the country and even cost Fox News Media over $700 million in damages.

Turning to the 2024 election where Donald Trump thought he could beat President Biden because of Biden’s age and one debate that did not go well for President Biden. But being the stalwart for democracy and the need to protect the American people from another Trump Presidency, President Biden stepped aside and endorsed his Vice-President Kamala Harris to run for the presidency and that is giving Trump nightmares.

In the two weeks that Kamala stepped on the scene, where the Democrats rallied around her and supported her wholeheartedly, she has raised over $310 million, increased volunteers, and has several groups campaigning for her. Black women for Kamala, Black Men, White men, White women, Republicans for Harris, and so on.

Donald Trump cannot cope with this newfound energy in the Democratic party, an energy that has not been seen since President Obama ran for office. The Democratic party is energised, a fresh and intelligent face, a person with policies to help the American people, a person with dignity, integrity and morals, and beating Trump in the polls.

Donald Trump is having a meltdown the likes of what has not seen in political history and to top it all George Conway is paying to have billboards all over America telling voters that Trump is a felon and should not go anywhere near the White House again.

But the most serious part of all of this is that Donald Trump is not running to help the American people he is doing so because he believes if he wins the presidency he will keep himself out of jail. The question becomes why would the American people want a felon in the highest office in the world.



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