‘Talking’ is the best way to discipline kids

Would-be mothers learn parenting skills in China, apart from  changing nappies and feeding, they also learn about disciplining.

Would-be mothers learn parenting skills in China, apart from changing nappies and feeding, they also learn about disciplining.

(Reader’s Digest) — Spare the rod, period. That’s what parents across the globe told us when we asked how they discipline their children. Respondents in all 16 countries in this month’s global survey picked a good talking to as the best tactic for teaching a lesson, by a wide margin. Taking away a privilege placed second. Two other traditional forms of discipline – sending kids to their rooms and spanking – were the least favored choices in all but two countries. Among respondents who did favor physical punishment, men outnumbered women in every country except Canada, France, and India. Not a single woman in the United States expressed a preference for spanking.

  • Taking away a privilege away from children was voted in placed second
  • Not a single woman in the United States expressed a preference for spanking

1 Comment

  1. I do not believe that if this survey was conducted among the caribbean mothers, especially Jamaicans, that they would agree that talking would be the best way to discipline their children. Jamaicans firmly believe, and hold dear the passage of the Bible that said “Don’t spear the rod and spoil the child” and I cannot see them moving away from that for a long time.

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